2018-11-27 Corporate Information

What managers need to do is to stimulate and release the inherent potential of the person and create value for the benefit of others. This is the essence of management


What managers need to do is to stimulate and release the inherent potential of people, create value, and benefit others. This is the essence of management.


Regarding the topic of “How to motivate employees to create peak performance”, both the best-selling bookstore rankings and WeChat forwarding volume are among the best. This shows that the topic is highly concerned and popular.

During this time, I tried to make a breakthrough in thinking about “incentives”, but found a very interesting phenomenon: Drucker explained “incentives” and “communication” as tasks that are crucial for managers, but management books. When it comes to management communication, but rarely talk about incentives, why is Drucker rarely talking about incentives? Drucker puts forward in the three major tasks of management: making the work productive, giving employees a sense of accomplishment, giving us a lot of inspiration and thinking.

This year's study of "Organizational Behavior" began to ponder the relationship between employees, organizations and society, especially when researching system management, how can productivity be improved? What factors in your work affect the productivity of your employees? In the pondering of these topics, there are some new experiences and insights.

First, the work is done by people.

Humanity at work will affect the effectiveness of the work. When we stand at different levels of people, organizations, and society, we first think about it from the physiological dimension of human beings: as a person, at work, when is it effective? When is it invalid? If you compare people to machines, the biggest advantage of the machine is that it can be simple and repetitive work, and the biggest characteristic of people is that it can be exhausted by repeating a single job. When people can master the rhythm and speed themselves, not only the attention is extended, but the efficiency is also improved.

Then think from the psychological dimension of human beings: What situation will make people suffer? When does it bring happiness to people? When people talk about the pride that work brings to him, they are happy and full of passion. On the contrary, one is unemployed, relying on unemployment to protect life, but not happy, why not happy? Despite the income, I did not get approval, did not feel the need, and gradually lost my passion in pain. People are self-worth in the process of being needed, being appreciated, and being recognized, releasing inner passion and happiness.

From the social dimension, it is also a factor that the work brings social identity and status, and thus obtains identity. We often ask: “Where do you work?” The other party’s answer is to proudly say the work unit and job responsibilities. Although the income is not high, it is very proud and fulfilling.

From the perspective of community, people need a sense of belonging, get friendship in work, discuss, communicate, and learn with colleagues. The process of working together becomes a kind of enjoyment. Many people like to work. In fact, they like the process of work. Of course, power is generated in the work, and it is decided to focus on where to work, decide what to give up, develop what, and gain some satisfaction through power.

There is also an economic dimension. Work brings income. This income is expenditure for the enterprise. However, for the partner, it is dignity, face, and life security.

Through the systematic thinking of people and work, we hope to remind entrepreneurs to pay attention. If we want to motivate employees, we must think about the value system from the work to the employees, and then know the real incentives. Incentives are important jobs, challenging jobs, lack of learning and mastering effective methods, and may be unpleasant and even counterproductive.

In Herzberg's "two-factor theory", there is a very interesting question: "In your past work, when and at what stage is your state best? Give three examples to analyze what makes us full of passion? "Propose the problem, sum up a rule when we continue to test - when we recall the passion and creativity, we usually mention the motivation, the appreciation, the possibility of growth, the responsibility, the sense of accomplishment and other incentives, but it is very Less talk about health factors such as wages, benefits, status, safety, and work environment. Of all the factors that led to employee satisfaction, 81% were incentives and 19% were health care factors; 69% of all factors leading to employee dissatisfaction were health factors and 31% were incentives. This discovery, let us understand, Drucker's "don't talk" incentives, because he already understands that it is the biggest incentive to make employees work effectively and help them achieve a sense of accomplishment.

Recalling when I got a sense of accomplishment in my work? When work needs constant innovation and is challenging; when there are clear powers and responsibilities, know what decisions can be made; when self-directing, there is guidance and feedback from superiors; when finding solutions to problems; When you are needed by others, you will feel a sense of accomplishment. Slowly comprehend, if employees can't take advantage of it and can't feel the happiness brought by work, they can't get a sense of accomplishment. I finally understand that the sense of accomplishment cannot be given and can only be obtained. To give employees a sense of accomplishment, entrepreneurs need to do a series of management actions carefully, so that employees can achieve a sense of accomplishment in their work.

From perception to action, how to practice?

Carefully arrange employee work to give full play to the advantages of employees.

A systematic and prudent continuous arrangement of employees to the right positions has always been a prerequisite for motivating employees. Managers should fully understand the characteristics, abilities, and strengths of employees, and make the best match between these traits and assigned work, so as to achieve more efficient work results. Employees also find it easy to get fun, satisfaction, a sense of accomplishment, and get a workout from an efficient job to get the job done.

We often say: "Everyone will dance in the field they are good at." Only employees think that "organization needs me, I am very important", and their sense of accomplishment is a true sense of accomplishment. The first task of leading the team is to give full play to the strengths of the employees. If you turn into a specific job: let the staff fit in and arrange for the right job, if you can't play the advantage, let the employee stay in the original position is the biggest harm to the employee.

Second, help employees to remove work barriers, provide support and counseling

In the real world of management, employees are often disturbed, so that attention and focus cannot be concentrated on key activities, especially knowledge workers. As a boss, entrepreneurs must find ways to help employees remove obstacles, let them concentrate on the key activities is our responsibility, and timely feedback information, so that employees can see the results, rather than their own merits.

I didn’t understand the motivation when I was learning in the past. I thought that “employee is his business. Anyway, I don’t care. If I don’t do it well, it’s his job.” After learning “Effective Managers”, I found that the work of the employees was ineffective. It is probably the boss. We often keep employees busy; let him fire everywhere; guide employees to “simple, obedient, and follow-up”; motivate them “I am a brick in the enterprise, where to move where to move”; design a post to obey the temporary arrangements of the superior, Instead, there is no serious definition of employee performance standards. These phenomena are common phenomena that invalidate employees.

Helping employees analyze their work priorities, focusing on key activities, and producing work results is a very important task for entrepreneurs. I often share the idea that the most striking morale is that the boss is busy like a headless fly, but let the staff idle and do nothing. . Seriously discuss work with subordinates: What is our mission? What are our key activities? In order to better accomplish the task, where should we focus our energies? Learn to ask subordinates: "What obstacles in your work are preventing you from completing the task? In your work, how can I help you?" This is the best incentive for subordinates.

Third, let employees know the situation

When do employees feel the least when they work? The worst state? Working blindfolded, not knowing why, and what results will result in employees not having a sense of accomplishment. Therefore, motivating employees to feedback information in a timely manner, let employees know what their work is to the company, to the success of the team, to help employees see the results, they will be encouraged and motivated.

However, some people may ask: “In the actual combat, what information should employees know? Is it necessary to disclose all information?” Not all information should be made public, information and tasks should be matched, and all involve strategy, direction, performance, and departmental changes. Information about the effectiveness of work, such as input-output ratios and policy adjustments, needs to be understood. In particular, information about performance should be open and honest so that employees can understand the situation, whether the work is done well or not, and objective analysis.

Fourth, provide opportunities for participation, cultivate employees with entrepreneurs

Let the employees know what they are, know what they are, and then they will be creative, and then release their imagination into the work, rather than simple, obedient, and follow-up. How to do it? Cultivate the entrepreneurial spirit of employees: let them see the status quo of the enterprise, understand why it is done, how to create customers, how their work is, and thus expand their horizons so that they can look at the enterprise from the perspective of entrepreneurs and see their own The task is to assume that their performance will affect the rise and fall of the company, and they will assume the responsibility to achieve the highest performance. Only by helping them understand the meaning of work from the perspective of entrepreneurs can they release their energy and creativity.

The true sense of achievement and pride comes from the active and responsible participation in the management and management of the company. Without a sense of participation, there is no sense of accomplishment. Inspection standards can be self-tested: "Our goal is to jointly develop or release? Is our plan to negotiate or issue orders? Do our strategic employees participate?" In the reflection work, whether to directly issue orders or patiently listen to each other's ideas And the main idea of the other side is mostly?

Someone once asked: “It seems very simple to let employees participate. But why is it so difficult to do at work?” There are several situations in the guess: the boss is an acute person, and it is easy to be anxious, lacking patience, and it is difficult to communicate effectively with the other party. Encourage the other party to express their own thoughts; the boss believes that the employees do not understand, they do not understand, they are not high enough, they can't talk about their insights; there is a situation, they know through learning, they begin to change their inherent thinking, but knowing does not mean doing it, actually fighting Forgot in it. For various reasons, in the long run, employees feel frustrated and are reluctant to think and lose their passion for work.

What should we do to address this reality? Encourage employees to assume the responsibilities they should assume. At work, you can ask questions: "I want to know what you plan for the next stage of work?" Encourage the other party to tell the plan, and work with him to negotiate a work plan, based on the company's overall goals, rather than a tough order.

5. Ways to give knowledge workers a sense of accomplishment

With the advent of the knowledge society, there are more and more groups of knowledge workers, and the sources of achievement of knowledge workers are different from those of traditional physical employees. In particular, entrepreneurs are reminded that in reality, traditional employees and knowledge workers coexist in the enterprise. The two employees have different needs. If there is no effective difference, the effects and methods of incentives may not be effective.

What do knowledge workers value?

Trust and appreciation: Knowledge workers often value appreciation and trust, and knowledge workers release creativity through trust and appreciation. The biggest difference between knowledge workers and traditional employees - the advantages are not obvious. They are eager for Bole, eager to be discovered, eager to know, and to face knowledge workers, they must learn to use their strengths and become his Bole.

Encourage self-development: Knowledge workers are very autonomous and do not like to be controlled and planned. Therefore, knowledge workers are encouraged to develop themselves. The most ridiculous thing in the world is the responsibility of developing employees from the shoulder of the enterprise. It is the individual who really bears this responsibility.

Opportunities and Challenges: Knowledge workers value growth, have a positive thinking about the future, have their own ideas and plans, and pay more attention to opportunities and challenges because they know that they grow faster in opportunities and challenges.

Appropriateness: Applicable to the people, because of the people who set up the post, he is required to strive for excellence in the field he is good at.

Decentralization and Responsibility: Clear responsibilities, decentralized management, and demand responsibility.

Create a creative working atmosphere

How to create a good working atmosphere?

Performance Management: Encourage employees to face performance, evaluation is for improvement, not for punishment, performance coaching is greater than performance evaluation.

Encourage experimentation and challenge the status quo: Discuss with employees about “Can we do better? Is there a better way?”

Admit mistakes: allow mistakes, encourage responsibility to correct mistakes, "If I come back, what different methods will I use?"

Focus on opportunities: pay attention to trends of change and change, embrace change with an open mind, and “manage with ignorance,” because “ignorance” can embrace change.

Create a learning team: learn together, self-transcendence.

Management is not control, but release. Really good management is to release the goodwill that is inherent in human nature. "If you don't explicitly stipulate that you can't do it, you can try it!" This kind of trusting power can often stimulate people's inner sense of responsibility. Motivation is a systematic job, and it is by no means a simple "you are great".

The single "you are great" is enough.